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Life is messy. Sometimes we drop the plate on the floor and sometimes someone throws it at us. Either way, we are stuck with a mess. You could walk away and ignore the busted glass on the floor. I tried that... it doesn't work very well, eventually, someone gets hurt. The only answer is to clean it up. 

That's my prayer for this blog - to clean up my messes. I have felt God tugging on my heart, asking me to step outside my comfort zone and be transparent, be real. So, just a word of caution... there's more than one busted plate on this floor. And most of the blood dried to the tile is mine, but not all of it. I'm starting the clean up process, but some of the tiny slivers of glass have been buried deep for a long time.

If you are new to this journey, please keep in mind that blog posts are in chronological order. If you want to start this journey at the "beginning" you'll need to start from the bottom. Thank you so much for joining!


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